3D TV Models - Revealing the latest new 3D models to hit the stores.
3D TV Networks - Get the lowdown on the 3D content providers, and find out who has plans for dedicated 3D channels - Cablevision, Cox, Time Warner, Comcast, DirecTV, Verizon, Sky
3D TV Converters - Guide to 2D to 3D converters.
3D Blu Ray Players - Read about the latest breakthrough developments in DVD players - an essential piece of the 3D puzzle.
3D Glasses - Understand why 3D glasses are required to see good quality images in 3D.
3D Movies - Examining the meteoric rise in popularity of the new 3D films to hit the cinemas.
Comprehensive Guide To 3D TV - Buy A 3D TV
The Best Of The Best - Feb 2011
Panasonic TC-P58VT25
''Being the proud owner of one of these Panasonic sets, I have to say I love it. Nothing else comes close to the Panasonic 3D models. This one is awesome, and there are many reviews of 3D TV models that mark this one out as one of the best, if not the best.
Once you watch 3D content on a Panasonic plasma 3D TV you'll be blown away. Get ready to jump as objects seem to fly out of the display and right into your living room.''
Where is 3D TV Development Right Now?
Growth prospects, plans, and developments for the coming year...
How Does It Work?
An easy to follow guide to the 3D TV technology used to deliver 3D imaging.
Is Watching 3D Bad For Your Health?
Examining the latest published 3D TV health warnings.
What You Need To Watch 3D TV.
An introduction to the TV sets, Blu Ray players, and glasses.
Looking To Buy A 3D TV?
The top 'need to know' facts you'll want to consider when looking to buy your first 3D set.
What Does The Future Hold?
What's the next step for 3D imaging in our homes? Breakthrough developments in holographic TV.
Where can I get more info on 3D sets, Blu-Rays, glasses etc
One of the best ways to get good information on any subject is by participating in forum discussions. Here you'll find a good choice of interesting 3D TV forum threads. Alternatively our page on 3D TV sites lists some high quality websites for more info.
The Cost Effective, Simple Way To Get 3D entertainment
Read about 3D Starter Kit bundles. Get the TV, glasses, movies, and connectors all in one go.
Who Makes The 3D TVs?
The latest developments and models from the leading 3D TV manufacturers
Looking To Buy A 3D TV? - Read The Top 7 'Need To Know' Facts
It's being billed as a 'must have' technology, and unless the television industry has got it wildly wrong many of us will be looking at the different 3D TVs available and considering when to buy a 3D TV at some point in the next few years. With the stunning success of 3D movies in the cinemas and growing interest in 3D Blu Ray and other forms of 3D content, it seems almost a foregone conclusion that the explosion now becoming apparent in 3D TV technology - and its widespread acceptance into our homes - will take place.
So, the experience of considering whether to buy a 3D TV now or wait is something we're all likely to taste. This article examines the why, what, where, and when questions of 3D TV technology you need to ask to help make the right choices when looking to buy a 3D TV for the first time - either in the stores or online.
There's more detailed info on each piece of the puzzle spread throughout this 3DTVGuide.org website, so here I'm going to cover each area at fairly high level while giving you quick links to more detail where practical.
1. Why all the big press? What does 3D TV give me?
If you've seen any of the recent 3D movies at the cinema - Avatar and Alice In Wonderland spring to mind, but there are a number of others - then there's a big chance you'll understand immediately what the attraction might be in getting the 3D experience in your home. If you haven't seen one, take the chance as soon as you can. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the quality of what's on offer, and it's likely the experience will give you good reasons to buy a 3D TV as soon as it's practical.
The term 'immersive experience' is often used to describe the feeling you get when watching a high quality 3D movie. In my experience - and you need to make up your own mind of course - that description is an accurate one. You may well find yourself drawn in on a level you've not experienced before. It's like forgetting you're watching a movie, and almost living it instead. Given that, it's not hard to see that when the available content grows the desirability factor of 3D TVs could explode. The ability to watch sports or music concerts in 3D can add a whole new dimension.
So, good 3D content is the key. And you'll need to buy a 3D TV to get to see it, plus a source of 3D imaging such as a 3D Blu Ray and some 3D glasses. Along with the TV itself, the Blu Ray and the glasses as a bundle are going to set you back a few dollars, though buying a 3D starter kit is a good way of reducing cots.
2. OK, so exactly what is 3D TV and how does it work?
I've covered how 3D TV works on the 3D TV Technology page (opens new window but will keep this page in the background), but there's also a general introduction to 3D TV on the 3DTVGuide.org home page.
Once you've got a good understanding of the technology and how it works, the next step is to consider what you need to watch 3D TV, covering the different elements you need. I mentioned 3D Blu Ray players and 3D glasses above. The other elements include other types of 3D content, the 3D TV sets themselves, and any special connector cables that might be required.
The Blu Ray is used as one option for receiving 3D content (in the form of 3D DVDs). The DVD data is sent to the TV, normally over a specific type of link cable, where it's displayed as 3D images. The other type of content will soon be coming from the programmes aired by the satellite 3D TV networks.
3D TV without glasses is now a reality, with the first small screen commercial sets released by Toshiba in Japan. The technology has some way to go though, and for now you'll need to wear 3D glasses. These have moved on from the old style cardboard glasses many of us have used for fun in the past. Now they're either high quality LCD shutter glasses which work by imperceptibly and quickly opening and closing shutters over each eye. They're synchronised with the TV so that your brain 'sees' the screen images in 3D. Or alternatively there are passive glasses, similar to thos you get at the movies. There's a lot more detail on the different types of 3D glasses and how they work on a different page.
3. What content is available? What can I watch in 3D?
If you're intending to buy a 3D TV then apart from the hardware itself the 3D content that's available is likely to be one of the crucial factors in your decision. In general, throughout 2010 there were complaints of a lack of content. As we've moved into 2011, it's becoming clear that content availability is on the increase.
There are two main ways to get 3D content to watch on 3D TV - either by subscribing to one of the 3D TV networks or by buying a 3D Blu Ray player. The networks are gradually increasing in number, new 3D TV channels are springing up, and new movie titles are now getting regularly released on Blu Ray or 3D DVD. 3D DVDs have been on the market for some time now and the TV networks all have plans to release new 3D channels and/or individual programmes over the rest of 2011. There's also an option to use a 2D to 3D converter, in fact Samsung 3D TV models have this capability built in.
4. I'm interested. Where can I find more info? And where can I buy a 3D TV?
There's a whole bundle of general 3D TV information on this site. In particular there are pages devoted to the 3D TV manufacturers, 3D TV forums, and a page containing quick links to the 3D TV related websites. If you jump to the top of this page you'll find links to pages dedicated to the individual manufacturers.
If that's not enough you can visit any of the major online stores - Amazon is a good example - where you'll find reviews, guides, and 3D TV models to buy. Aside from that, there are dozens of sites which offer 3D TV reviews. Using these will put you in a good position to choose the best 3D TV deal for your budget. It's a great idea to see your chosen model in the flesh first, so taking a trip to a local electronics store wouldn't be a bad idea, especially in these early days while the prices are high.
5. What's it going to cost?
As with any new technology the entry cost in the early stages of take up can be high. With regard to TV, and specifically the trade off between traditional 2D and the new 3D sets, of course the cost of 3D sets is higher. Having said that, you might be surprised at the affordable pricing of some models. As examples, the Panasonic TC-P50VT25 - a stunning 50 inch plasma 3D TV - is selling for around $2,600 which is roughly double the price of the equivalent 2D model. Where it does start building up is when you start considering buying a 3D Blu Ray as well plus extra pairs of glasses for friends and family. This can add another $550 - $600 on top.
6. When are 3D TVs going to be widely available at a low price?
3D TVs, Blu Ray players, and 3D glasses are already widely available to buy, either in stores or online - the entry point from a cost perspective has been high but is slowly reducing. You can expect the overall cost to drop gradually as technology and consumer take up advances. As with all technology, prices drop as the acceptance levels rise. Competition for sales is fierce, and getting fiercer. You can expect price wars as manufacturers fight for their share of the market.
7. What do I really need to watch out for? Can I be caught out if I buy a 3D TV now?
There are a few different ways of answering this question, and it really depends on your outlook and how keen you are to enjoy the new 3D content that's available. Prices in general have never been lower. You might be tempted to wait till no glasses 3D TVs are widely available, though that might be a long wait. There is an interesting format battle taking place to determine whether active shutter glasses sets or passive glasses sets are going to be the most popular. Remember that some 3D TVs will only work with 3D glasses that are specifically designed to work with that particular manufacturers sets, though there are signs that universal glasses will be available soon.
The real answer is that if you're keen to get a chance to watch 3D TV in your own home, and subscribe to the widely held belief that 3D TV is here to stay and can only get bigger and better, then now is a great time to buy a 3D TV. The manufacturers are all announcing lines of new 3D TV models. The online stores are dropping prices and offering some great deals on 3D starter kits and bundles. There is a lot of growing interest in the future of 3D games, and it's believed that gamers could be the catalysts for widespread acceptance of 3D entertainment in general.
3D TV does look to be here to stay. Are you an early(ish) adopter?
Copyright 3DTVGuide.org 2011

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